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       RemoteAccess   should  run  on  any  IBM  80x86   compatible
       computer. The only two programs you will need in addition to
       the  release  package are DOS 3.x and a FOSSIL  driver.  The
       FOSSIL is a memory-resident program that many communications
       packages use to communicate with the modem. Two FOSSILs that
       have  been  successfully tested with  RemoteAccess  are  Ray
       Gwinn's X00,  and David Nugent's BNU. Either of these should
       be readily available from any local bulletin board.

       You  will  also  need a modem that is capable  of  accepting
       Hayes-type  commands.  The  minimum  memory  requirement  is
       approximately 190K, but 512K is recommended.

          1.  Ensure  that  your CONFIG.SYS file  contains  these


              The   more  buffers  you   allocate,   the   faster
              RemoteAccess  will run.  However,  more buffers use
              more memory.

          2.  Create  a directory to put the main program  files
              in.  The  configuration example that follows  later
              assumes that this directory (the SYSTEM  directory)
              is C:\RA.

          3.  Ensure  that  your  AUTOEXEC.BAT  file  contains  a
              command to set the environment variable RA to  your
              SYSTEM  directory,  so  RemoteAccess can  find  its
              configuration files:

                    SET RA=C:\RA

          4.  Copy   all  of  the  executable  files  from  the
              RemoteAccess   distribution   package   into   this

          5.  Create three more sub-directories:

              C:\RA\MSGBASE          This will hold  the  message
                                     files the system creates.

              C:\RA\MENUS            To put your menus in

              C:\RA\TXTFILES         To put files such as welcome
                                     and disconnect screens in.

     You   are   now   ready  to  proceed  to  the   next   step,
     CONFIGURATION.                                                                          .

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson